President Obama – Can we get back to work?

President Obama is set to run wild with Bear Grylls for an episode on NBC

I understand that now is the time, late in his second term when there is not time to get done the “pressing issues,” (this is not to say climate change, like infrastructure rebuilding, is not pressing – it’s just not “sexy” as they call it) for the President to start his final push on climate change. I get it, and I don’t even think it’s misguided. But if we are going to push climate change, Mr. President, the time for publicity stunts to drum of support was at least a year ago. With a dysfunctional congress and a White House that has long refused to work with them, now is the time for actual Leadership, and not some Guest Star appearance on a TV show. Demonstrate your Charisma and Diplomacy skills by actually building some partnerships and getting some broad buy-in from the affected communities (locals and polluters alike). I’m tired of Politicians wanting to be celebrities. We threw out the royalty in 1776, Mr. President. You are a Public Servant. Start serving.

Origin Tales: Myron Plotkins and the SandBur

blood_gnome-15Legend states that eons ago, the land was lush and filled with plants of all sorts. This, of course,was in a age of far less turmoil and Beard Man was but a twinkle in the eye of the Great Mother. The Great Mother and the Great Father were stewards of this land, or so the tale claims, and they raised many little ones. All of them cared for the land, and the land for them, so much so that there was no need for clothes. It was, I suppose, a nudist colony, but no one knew and no one cared, for the land was gentle and yielding, the soil under their toes soft and fertile, and all was well.

Nudist family image

However, all was not well in the world. One of the particularly ugly offspring of the Great Mother and Father was consistently found tormenting the squirrels and chipmunks, and was often careless when playing the in bed of nature, thrashing about and ripping up all sorts of plants. The legend continues that this child was so careless that one day, as he stormed through a beautiful meadow, he ripped bare from the bosom of  Earth an entire patch of grass. At that moment, in pain, the Earth shuddered and released a bit of it’s cold, lonely agony in the form of a dark, warlock spirit. The spirit at once enveloped the child, a creature of havoc, and queried its birth.

What are you, creature of malice and destruction, that your careless actions have given birth to one such as myself, born from the loving embrace of the soil? – the spirit pressed.

I am a boy, careless and free, caring only for my own needs and momentary concern. – spat the boy in an arrogant, whiny tone. What care if of you spirit? I am Myron Plotkins, emperor of all I please!

(artist's impression of Myron Plotkins as a child)

(artist’s impression of Myron Plotkins as a child)

 Get ya hence from my path, or face my wreckless disregard, as countless have before you!

Such impudence from one of those proclaiming themselves to be Warden of the Earth! – erupted the Spirit in a hiss. I shall curse your path, that your careless spasms think before unleashing themselves upon this sacred place. and with that, the Spirit fled off into the nearby grass with a “whoosh.”

Silly Spirit! – Myron Plotkins thought aloud. I’ve never met anything that caused me to pause before throwing my weight around, haphazardly destroyed whatever I pleased with no regard for the world.. I shall chase it into the brush and force it into a vessel for me to torment further!

So, not yet satisfied with the carnage of foliage he had already wraught, Myron charged further into the brush, after the Spirit, tearing up every patch of grass in his path. But unbeknownst to Myron, the Spirit, fueled by the evil of the vile child’s work, had corrupted the grass into a thicket of plant never before seen upon the world. And with a high pitched shriek of pain, Myron encountered the dreaded SandBur!sandspur 2

What is this wickedly thorny plant? –thought Myron. I do not recall having seen it, and it sticks into my flesh in a painful fashion. Clearly one as sinister as me would have encountered this before.

(Ouch! the foot of a SandBur victim, like Myron - but not him)

(Ouch! the foot of a SandBur victim, like Myron – but not him)

And just like that, an idea came upon the wicked child, one which even the dark Spirit could not have foreseen.

I shall use these spikey balls! They are so exciting, after all! Think of the misery I can spread among my brethren and the squirrels, laying them in their play areas and watching as they fall victim to my wonderful plant!

And so it was that the dreaded Sandbur seed was taken from the corrupted pasture and spread throughout the Earth. Myron Plotkins reign of ruination, scourge upon the Earth that he was, was only beginning. For he was still but a child. Imagine what he would one day be capable of as an adult, with his Sandbur army?

Coney Island Brewing Co. – Hard Root Beer!

Coney Island Brewing Co.

Hard Root Beer


Holy hell! I think I’ve died and gone to drunk little kid heaven…

Do you remember when you were young and your parents took you to that weird diner? The burgers were extremely greasy, the fries were prolific in that little red basket they were serving you food in, and they had best root beer in the world?. Well, that little kid was an idiot, because this is clearly a better root beer.

According to our almighty Overlord, Google (now Alphabet, if you haven’t been watching the news), Coney Island Brewing Co. is located at 3008 W 12th St, Brooklyn, NY. While I’ve never been to this delightful brewery, I have a distinct feeling I would enjoy the ride. Among their beer list is the Mermaid Pilsner, the 1609 Amber Ale, the Overpass IPA, the Coney Island Lager, a beer known as “the Plunge,” Freaktoberfest, and, of course, this wonderful libation I’m drinking right now. “Hard Root Beer” (hereafter referred to as “HRB“) is described as having “hints of vanilla, licorice, and birch,” among its flavors, and while I don’t know what birch tastes like, I can certainly tell you the other two ingredients are spot on.

I stumbled upon HRB after a routine visit to my favorite Wichita beer store, Goebel Liquor. If you are in the Wichita area and in the mood for a vast variety of beers (and a military discount, if you dare), I cannot recommend Goebel enough. The staff are knowledgeable and pretty awesome folks, and even brew their own brews on occasion. HRB sat up by the counter and in the beer fridge. It wasn’t what I was looking for, but it immediately caught my eye. Having spent summers as a kid in the Rhode Island area, I have always had a fondness for Coney Dogs. And if you look carefully at the label, you will see that the root beer mug is actually surrounded by a roller coaster, throwing back to Coney Island amusement park. It would appear that the beers with Coney Island Brewing Co. all keep this motif, with carnival stylized artwork adorning each brew.

The beer itself is quite delicious, but tastes about as beer-like as a Woodchuck Cider. It is both flavorful and refreshing, and has a nice little ABV value of 5.8%. It goes down smooth and does not have any strange after-taste, as some sweet alcoholic “cooler” drinks are known to have. There is, however, a slight sweetness left in the mouth afterwards, almost akin to molasses. On the downside, a 6 pack will set you back around $10, which places it in sort of a premium price range for this sort of drink!

Overall, I would highly recommend HRB as a one-off drink, or possibly a desert beer. It is sweet, but not overpowering, and I think it can be enjoyed with many other beers, with the exception of a Sour Mash variety. I would not, however, have too many, as the sweetness can become a bit much. I would also add it is extremely refreshing (much like regular root beer) on a hot, summer day, and I can’t wait to try it in a Float!. On the Air Force EPR scale of 1-5, with 1&2 being technically impossible unless the beer raped or murdered someone, and 4 just being silly, I think I have to do something silly and give it a 5. Still, at a 5, it’s a bit pricey, so you are encouraged to enjoy it in small doses where you can savor its taste.


I find it sometimes odd to me that in my current financial condition of uncertainty, I am less concerned with how I’m going to make it than how my friends are. Today I read a nice little peace by Personal Capital entitled The State Of Retirement Readiness Across America.

I’m not a good enough salesman to be a stock broker, and some of my survivalist friends would say I put too much stock in the longevity of the economy, but I do not believe these are the “End of Days.” Despite these facts, I find it startling how I live in the most well developed economy in the world, yet the wage gap here is ever widening at a pace which I believe is simply unsustainable. Without a correction of some sort, this system will collapse, but it will not do so before I kick the bucket. Too many people are just trying to “get by,” and I want more for those people. I encourage you to read the above article and check out Personal Capital if you haven’t already. It’s a free tracking tool for you investments, and in many ways a retirement planner; it costs nothing; and there is no reason for me to recommend it aside from that I think it could help every one of my friends.

Indentured Servitude

I’ll get right to it. Today I stumbled across this article via Yahoo Finance:
More college students selling stock—in themselves

Like David Bergeron (a former Obama White House education adviser) states in the article, something just doesn’t feel right about this arrangement to me. In my younger years, I remember actually wistfully thinking of this concept as a good thing. I considered the way it would give new adults (like me) a way to fund their education without having to rely on their family’s good will, and I thought about how it would be a good way to “bet on the future” and turn a good simultaneously turn a profit (as an investor). These notions I held weren’t wrong, but I now believe they demonstrated a very narrow world view and a lack of appreciation for history.

Merriam-Webster Online define an indentured servant as, “a person who signs and is bound by indentures to work for another for a specified time especially in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance.” Does this not strike you as an eerily similar version of what is going on in the yahoo article? I am certainly torn and would appreciate your opinion on the matter. And furthermore, what sway can the investor wield over the graduate should they decide the job they land isn’t what they’d hoped for and want to leave to pursue something else that may pay less or involve going back to school? There are a lot of unknowns in this equation.