And now for something…



The Economy Is Better — Why Don’t Voters Believe It?

I have failed you. “How?” you ask? Because I haven’t brought you more useful info, as I once promised this blog would be about. In fact, outside from a few good beer recommendations and some light information on on investment options for my young millennial brethren, I haven’t really given you anything. Oh yeah, and I’ve been on a two month hiatus.

“Why the break?” you might ask. Well, because. Because life gets complicated when you are just trying to make ends meet, as many of us know. For the past couple months I’ve been working nearly full-time as a Starbucks Barista, while taking night classes on tax preparation. That, plus trying to reaquaint myself with my wife (she was deployed for half the year), made me busy… and I’m still busy. This is the “new norm” for most Americans. Gone are the days when you could work 40 hours a week and have a good life. Post 2008, most of us are living in the Perma-Part Time Worker land. And so opens the era of Trump & Sanders.

“The easiest explanation for this paradox is that it isn’t a paradox at all: Americans are pessimistic about the economy because, for many of them, the economy hasn’t gotten better. Unemployment is down, but incomes are flat. Millions of Americans left the labor force in the recession and haven’t returned. Millions more are stuck in low-wage jobs or are working part time because they can’t find full-time work.”