Cast of Characters

the Beard Man – Yours truly, freed from the bonds of UCMJ grooming regulation servitude.

Myron Plotkins – a purely fictitious character, Myron is often the antagonist in the story of Beard Man‘s life. His name should in no way be used to draw similarities to anyone in the real world, especially who may have a name which seems to rhyme. Again, he is no one you know or have ever met.

the Regal Beagle (aka Oni) – Intermitantly used to reference both Beard Man’s unofficial basement bar, as well as his devious non-human companion (usually referenced with the latter name), the Regal Beagle is a source of constant wonderment and confusion, as it is certain she does not realize her non-human nature. Like Beard Man, she seems to be terrified of Children.

Children – Evil, Pod-People.


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